GodArchy Podcast Relaunch!

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GodArchy Podcast Relaunch!

Posted in : general commentary on by : Michael Maharrey

The GodArchy podcast is coming back!

The last year has been difficult. My mom died last fall after a courageous two-plus-year fight with cancer. I reflected a bit on the early stages of grief in the last episode of the show.

In the ensuing months, I continued to process my grief while dealing with her estate. In December, my wife and I bought a house on the other side of the state that needed significant renovations. That was the beginning of a six-month odyssey that ended with us finally moving in late May.

We are still living in a sea of boxes, but life has finally taken on a pace that allows me to consider “what’s next.”

I honestly thought long and hard about ending the podcast. After all, there are a million podcasts out there. I’m not sure the world needs one more. But ultimately, I decided the show must go on.

There were three primary reasons I decided to continue producing GodArchy episodes.

  1. I launched the GodArchy website in 2016 out of a sense of calling. The way most American Christians embrace nationalism and war grieves my soul. More than anything, I believe it’s important for there to be some kind of Christian voice that is anti-war and anti-state. Nothing has changed since 2016, so I suppose that voice is still necessary. Simply put, I still feel that sense of calling and I feel obligated to follow that to its logical conclusion.
  2. A lot of people have told me the show means something to them. I’ve had several people say they miss it. That means a lot to me. I didn’t start GodArchy for fame or fortune. On the other hand, I don’t just want to talk to the walls. The bottom line is that if my work touches even a few people, it’s work worth doing.
  3. I enjoy doing it. And I’ve learned a tremendous amount from my guests.

Going Forward

I don’t anticipate much change in the show’s format. I will continue to drop episodes on Friday or Saturday, every other week. The show will continue to feature a mix of interviews with interesting people from the libertarian and Christian worlds and solo episodes where I talk about whatever is on my mind.

The show revolves around the intersection of Christian and libertarian-anarchist thought. I plan to continue featuring a wide variety of guests who fit anywhere within that space. In other words, all of my guests won’t be Christian. And for that matter, some of them might not be libertarian-anarchists. The goal of the show is to get us all thinking – to challenge conventional thought and stretch our hearts and minds.

In that same vein, some episodes will lean more heavily toward Christian thought and some will orient more toward libertarian/voluntaryist/anarchist philosophy. And some will just be flat-out anti-war.

There will be some infrastructure changes moving forward.

I’ve jettisoned Patreon and created a supporting listeners program hosted on my own website.  You can read more about how you can support the show HERE.

I’m also going to begin sending out regular emails. In this weird world of cancel culture, it’s crucial to be able to engage my audience directly without having to rely on social media. The GodArchy Facebook page has already been dinged several times for offending the powers that be (mainly because the FB algorithms don’t understand sarcasm or parody.)

If you want to join the email list, just sign up in the box on the left-hand toolbar.

I look forward to getting the show rolling again.

And I appreciate your support.


Mike Maharrey