Support GodArchy

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Support GodArchy

Posted on : by : Michael Maharrey

I want GodArchy to be more than just talk. I want to take human action to make the world a better, more free place in the name of Christ. By supporting GodArchy, you can partner with me in this endeavor.

For a contribution of $5 per month, you will have access to bonus episodes and special blog content. You can also join the GodArchy Facebook group for supporters of the show.

This isn’t just about me. I want to create a community that reaches out to others. With that in mind, 40 percent of the contributions each month will be donated to a charitable or liberty-oriented organization, or to an individual in need. Supporters in the Facebook group will help me decide where to donate the funds each month.

You can also make a one-time donation through PayPal on the link to the left.

Thank you for your support!

In Him,

Mike Maharrey