Same Garbage; Prettier Packaging

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Same Garbage; Prettier Packaging

Posted in : American on by : Michael Maharrey

A lot of people will vote for Joe Biden simply because he isn’t Donald Trump.

In reality, there would likely be very little substantive difference between a Trump and a Biden administration – just like there wasn’t much substantive difference between the Trump and Obama years.

We can change out the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but we still get the wars. We still get the ever-growing police and surveillance state. We still get the out of control spending, money printing and currency debasement.

And no matter who wins in November, we’ll get the same violence, force and coercion.

But Biden would do it all with more gravitas.

I’ve been told I should vote for Joe Biden because Trump is so inflammatory and divisive. Biden can unite the country!

But what would I want to “unite” around these policies? Why would I want to unite around the violence, force and coercion?

Evil policies aren’t more palatable to me just because they are sold to me with a slick speech and a pretty smile.

Photo by Gage Skidmore