Resist Not an Evil Man

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Resist Not an Evil Man

Posted in : Christian Ethics on by : Jason Mock

Jesus said “resist not an evil man” in Matthew 5:39, yet so many think that self-defense is this right that should always be grasped.

But what really are you defending when you attack another evil man? Whether you’re defending yourself or others, what is the purpose?

The purpose is always to avoid death. We hear the line, “feared for my life.”

So how then does Jesus get away with saying resist not an evil man? It doesn’t really seem to make sense, does it?

Plainly, we focus on the here and now, which is finite and ending. Jesus is focused on eternity.

Eternal beings cannot be killed. When you struggle and strive for the finite you lose grasp of the infinite.

As eternal beings, why should we fear anyone who can kill us when we cannot be killed?

Jesus would go on to say, in Matthew 16:25:

“If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.”

Death in the finite comes for us all. Even if you overthrow a murderous government, you still die! The only thing you did was push off death for but the blink of an eye.

I once was all for cheering government overthrow, but, after being challenged on it, realized that being for such is focused on things that will be destroyed. Instead, we should focus on that which cannot be destroyed.

Matthew 10:28

“Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell. “