Knocking Down Three Common Objections: GodArchy Podcast #9

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Knocking Down Three Common Objections: GodArchy Podcast #9

Posted in : GodArchy Podcast on by : Michael Maharrey

I hear three objections to the ideas presented by GodArchy over and over and over again. In this podcast episode, I confront them head-on.

No matter the particular subject I’m addressing, three objections to the concept of GodArchy – Christian anarchism/voluntaryism – come up time and time again.

  1. An anarchist can’t be a Christian.
  2. Romans 13
  3. The state (and other stuff) is justified because it’s “in the bible.”

In this episode, I take all three of these objections apart and knock them down in devastating fashion.


John Locke: Two Treatises of Government
Fundamentals of Voluntaryism
Is the Bible “Pro-Government?”
Reader Response to “Is the Bible Pro-Government?”
Romans 13: Obey Citizen! Really? GodArchy Podcast #6

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