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Posted in : Government and Society on by : Michael Maharrey

It’s fascinating watching the raging culture wars in America.

On the right, we have people attempting to use force, coercion and violence (government) to impose their vision of morality on society through definitions of marriage, abortion laws, drug laws, wall-building and military intervention all over the world.

On the left, we have people attempting to use force, coercion and violence (government) to impose their vision of morality on society through “public accommodation” laws, definitions of marriage, hate speech censorship, economic redistribution programs and military intervention all over the world.

Most people consider these diametrically opposed political adversaries on the left and right  polar opposites. And yet they share the exact same core philosophy. Both sides of these contentious debates believe they have the moral authority to use force, coercion and violence to achieve their ends.

Perhaps instead of engaging in this epic struggle for dominance, Christians on both sides should take a step back and reconsider the role of force, coercion and violence in society.