Pro-Life: More Than a Vote

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Pro-Life: More Than a Vote

Posted in : Politics, pro-life on by : Michael Maharrey

A friend of mine serves as the executive director of Pregnancy Solutions in Venice, Fla. The organization provides “free, confidential, high-quality, and compassionate care,” for pregnant women.

Callie posted the following on Facebook recently.

So far in 2016, we have seen 29 women change their mind about having an abortion after finding help and hope at Pregnancy Solutions.

Another 229 were at risk for abortion, but chose life for their babies and found love, support, and encouragement within these walls.

And THAT, my friends, is something to praise God for today!

Indeed it is!

Callie’s post got me thinking. As far as I can see, this small organization in southwest Florida has done more for the pro-life cause in the last year than all of the political activism, campaigning and voting I’ve seen over my 30-plus years of adult life.

For decades I’ve listened to politicians court votes by touting their pro-life credentials, seen billions of dollars spent electing pro-life candidates to office and have been regaled relentlessly about the importance of voting “for life.” But after all of this frenzied  political activity, I can’t point to a shred of evidence that it’s saved the life of a single baby,  supported a single struggling mother, nor changed a single heart or mind.

The truth is you will never end abortion through politics. You will not save a baby with a vote. You will not convince people to respect life by passing a law.

You preserve life by doing what Callie does – putting your time, energy and resources into ministries that actually reach out in love to struggling women.

Here’s my election day challenge for you. Instead of just going to the polls and selecting your slate of pro-life candidates,  take some tangible action. Make a donation to Pregnancy Solutions (HERE) or to a center in your community. Or go volunteer your time and talents to a ministry that reaches out to struggling pregnant women in your town.

Too many Christians have delegated their responsibility to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus to the government. Christ called us to care for the “least of these.” He didn’t call us to vote for some guy to do it for us.

Photo by: Avsar Aras